Device wallpapers
Turn your screen into a tribute to your favorite city. Download ultra-detailed map wallpapers in black or white, and relive memories or dream of new adventures
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Cities Available





Printable posters

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Transform your home with minimalist posters of cities that have shaped your life. Capture your favorite places with a detailed map and personalize it with a special message, date, or GPS coordinates.

First 25 cities are already available.

Device wallpapers


Enhance your digital experience with minimalist wallpapers featuring the cities that matter most to you.

Keep your favorite destinations close with high-quality maps designed for smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
Download in black or white and let your screen transport you to unforgettable memories or future adventures.

Choose a custom message to remind you of a special memory you’ve had somewhere. Order a city already available with a special message, date or gps coordinates. You’ll receive your personalized wallpaper for all your devices in one day for the price of a coffee.


Offer available for all Wallpaper

About us

The Story

As an architecture student, I have always loved to create and use my imagination. During the lockdown being stuck at home without being able to go out, discover, travel and enjoy, I started to create wallpapers of city maps to keep myself busy. I chose cities that I dreamed of visiting, and others that brought back important memories of my life. So I would put them in the background of my different devices to always keep them in mind. 

Then, as more and more friends were asking me to send them my wallpapers, I decided to create a website in order to reference all my wallpapers and allow anyone to keep the memory of a city thanks to the wallpaper of their devices.

My wallpapers are free and very detailed, available for all smartphone, desktop and tablet in black or white.